A 10 year journey of chronic kidney stones and totally oblivious to the natural path of living healthy, we are making radical changes. Life after starring death in the face, has a way of soaking it all in through brighter lenses. Learning to eat clean, naturally and sometimes RAW, cleaning house without toxic chemicals, cooking without radiation and enjoying every bite, read about our journey to a healthier lifestyle. Sure tastes better than ever!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Dres running at the Hawks game
Ok so here's the story behind these 2 videos...I had gone to get food w/ Jacey at the beginning of the game. When I came back, Rob said he was taking the kids to get sno-cones. Lil did I know that while I was gone, Rob was approached by a lady (in charge of the Entertainment during innings) at the game who had asked if Dresden could run w/ the Hawk at the bottom of the 1st inning. So after they had been gone awhile, I began to wonder what was taking them so long. Just then, I hear a man talking & see him walking out onto the field with Humphrey the Hawk and announcing that Dresden would be racing him around the bases. Then I looked down and saw all 3 of them on the field! I had NO NOTICE to get the camera ready so I immediately starting filming what I could, never having a chance to zoom in. The first clip on the left is my immediate reaction...the second clip on the right is after I tried zooming in but lost some of the action. Dres had almost made it to the 3rd base when he took a shortcut and headed straight for the pitcher...as he was practicing his pitching! NOT GOOD! But Dres was oh so cute and I was so delightfully surprised! Sitting in the stands alone and listening to the crowd around me was priceless! All I could think was "Ya that's my boy!" Thanks for the surprise love!